Bedding plants are plants that are usually grouped together to create an area of flowery color or lush green foliage. These plants can be massed together in a garden bed, used in borders or fit into almost any landscape situation limited only by your imagination. They are beautiful and versatile.
Examples of these types of plants include petunias, pansies, marigolds, salvias, violets, snapdragons, chrysanthemums, sage, strawberries, impatiens, coleus and many more. Be sure to take your climate into consideration when choosing which ones to use.
Let's focus on versatility. If having a different look to your garden space is your goal, annuals (plants that are grown from seed, produce their flowers, seed and die in one growing season) create a color filled display that you can change yearly. If something a little longer lasting suits your fancy, biennials with their two year lifespan and perennials with their three year or longer life certainly fit the bill too.
Don't despair if you don't have a huge garden space because these plants are perfectly suited for many other situations. Want to draw attention to a favorite ornamental pot? Fill it with the lush color or colors of bedding plants to draw attention. Use them for your hanging containers. How about livening up your view by filling window boxes with your choice of plants? These are just a few ways that you can use them to create beauty in your particular space.
Should I grow my bedding plants from seed or get them from the nursery?
The answer to this question depends upon you. Growing from seed is certainly an option. If you have your own greenhouse, you could get really involved and grow a wide variety of them. On the other hand, many relish the thought of visiting their favorite nurseries in the spring to enjoy all the color and variety they have to offer. With natures palette on display, creativity takes over and the choices for this years project flow forth and congeal like magic.
With so many types of bedding plants available and their seemingly unending number of uses, these colorful, versatile plants deserve your attention, creativity and care when beautifying your particular space.
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